About Highwaisted Beads
Highwaisted Beads, created by sole owner and proprietor Tairi Vital, began as a small crafting hobby in March 2020. While in the convocation of the pandemic, Miss Vital was a schoolteacher, instructing students virtually. So, in her spare time, she kept herself busy with making beaded jewelry for close friends. HWB was born out of the idea to be a simple crafting store with the customized beaded jewelry pieces only available through social media. In the following months, it grew more and more popular, becoming a stylish, spiritual, and trendy beaded jewelry shop. In October of 2020, Highwaisted Beads LLC was born! Since its official inception online, HWB is developing and growing into a company dedicated to bringing original and fresh beaded jewelry with no signs of stopping! Due to the support of our customers and subscribers, HWB has been enhancing the comfort and confidence of its customers for over two years!